How the Peak Partners Water Heater Program Works
Call today to speak with a Peak Partners Customer Service Representative and schedule an installation appointment.
1. Peak Partners two-way communication device installed
After you schedule your appointment, we’ll install a two-way communication device on your water heater. There’s no charge for the installation, which generally takes a little over an hour.
2. Wireless signal sent
When demand for electricity in the Fort Collins area peaks, we’ll send a wireless signal that remotely activates the device, temporarily turning off your water heater for a short period of time.
A steady [red] light on the Peak Partners water heater device will remain illuminated during a conservation event, alerting you to your water heater’s operational status.
3. Maintain your routine

A steady [red] light on the Peak Partners water heater device will remain illuminated during a conservation event, alerting you to your water heater’s operational status.
4. Balance the demand for electricity
During the time program participants’ water heaters are off, the demand for electricity is reduced. As a result, less electricity needs to be generated, which keeps energy costs lower and reduces carbon emissions and other pollutants associated with electricity generation.
5. Your water heater switches back on
When demand for electricity is reduced to an acceptable level, your water heater automatically returns to normal operation.
6. You save by shifting electricity use to off-peak hours
Your participation in the Peak Partners water heater program, means you save money by not using electricity during the expensive on-peak times, instead using it in the less expensive off-peak hours.
Depending on the Energy Savings option you choose, you can expect different savings:
- Basic Energy Savings: This choice will delay energy consumption of your water heater by 1 hour every day. You can expect savings of as much as $22/year, depending on hot water usage.
- Default Energy Savings: This choice will delay energy consumption of your water heater by 2.5 hours every day. You can expect savings of as much as $52/year, depending on usage. Water heater tanks are large (40-60 gallons), so you should have plenty of hot water during the 2 hours that energy is being shifted from on-peak to off-peak costs.
- Aggressive Energy Savings: This choice delays energy consumption of your water heater by 4 hours (or 5 hours in the summer) every day. You can expect savings of as much as $70/year, depending on usage. While water heater tanks are large, delaying energy usage by 4 or 5 hours means you might run out of hot water. Choose this option carefully and only if you think you can manage with 40-60 gallons of hot water for up to 5 hours.